1.0 ADBox training pipeline SWD-001
Training sequence diagram
The diagram depicts the sequence of operations of the training pipeline, orchestrated by the ADBox Engine.
Parent links: LARC-001 ADBox training pipeline flow
2.0 ADBox prediction pipeline SWD-002
Prediction pipeline sequence diagram
The diagram depicts the sequence of operations in the prediction pipeline, orchestrated by the ADBox Engine.
Parent links: LARC-002 ADBox historical data prediction pipeline flow, LARC-008 ADBox batch and real-time prediction flow
3.0 MTAD-GAT training SWD-003
MTAD GAT training sequence diagram
The diagram depicts the sequence of operations run by the function train_MTAD_GAT
of the MTAD_GAT ML-subpackage of ADBox.
Parent links: LARC-009 ADBox machine learning package
4.0 MTAD-GAT prediction SWD-004
MTAD GAT prediction sequence diagram
The diagram depicts the sequence of operations run by the function predict_MTAD_GAT
of the MTAD_GAT ML-subpackage of ADBOX.
Parent links: LARC-009 ADBox machine learning package
5.0 Peak-over-threshold (POT) SWD-005
POT evaluation sequence diagram
The diagram depicts the sequence of operations run by the function pot_eval
of the MTAD_GAT subpackage of ADBox.
This function runs the dynamic POT (i.e., peak-over-threshold) evaluation.
Parent links: LARC-009 ADBox machine learning package
6.0 ADBox Predictor score computation SWD-006
Predictor score computation sequence diagram
The diagram depicts the sequence of operations run by the function get_score
method of the Predictor
class in the MTAD GAT PyTorch subpackage of ADBox.
Parent links: LARC-009 ADBox machine learning package
7.0 ADBox MTAD-GAT anomaly prediction SWD-007
ADBox MTAD GAT anomaly prediction sequence diagram
The diagram depicts the sequence of operations run by the function predict_anomalies
method of the Predictor
class in the MTAD GAT PyTorch subpackage of ADBox.
Parent links: LARC-009 ADBox machine learning package
8.0 ADBox MTAD-GAT Predictor SWD-008
ADBox MTAD GAT Predictor class diagram
The diagram below depicts the Predictor
class of the MTAD GAT PyTorch subpackage of ADBox.
Parent links: LARC-009 ADBox machine learning package
9.0 ADBox data managers SWD-009
ADBox data manager class diagrams
The diagram below depicts the Data manager
classes of ADBox, all designed and implemented as Singleton classes.
Parent links: LARC-010 ADBox data manager
10 ADBox data transformer SWD-010
ADBox data transformer class diagram
The diagram below depicts the Data Transformer
class of ADBox.
Parent links: LARC-003 ADBox preprocessing flow
11 ADBox preprocessing SWD-011
ADBox preprocessing sequence diagram
The diagram summarizes the sequence of actions of the method Preprocessor.preprocessing
in the ADBox DataTransformer.
Parent links: LARC-003 ADBox preprocessing flow
12 ADBox TimeManager SWD-012
ADBox time manager class diagrams
The diagram below depicts the Time manager
classes of ADBox.
Parent links: LARC-011 ADBox TimeManager
13 ADBox Prediction pipeline's inner body SWD-013
Prediction pipeline sequence diagram
The diagram depicts the sequence of operations in the prediction pipeline body (private method), called by the prediction pipeline.
Parent links: LARC-002 ADBox historical data prediction pipeline flow, LARC-008 ADBox batch and real-time prediction flow
14 ADBox config managers SWD-014
ADBox config manager class diagrams
The diagram below depicts the Config manager
classes of ADBox.
Parent links: LARC-012 ADBox ConfigManager
15 ADBox Shipper and Template Handler SWD-015
ADBox Shipper and Template Handler class diagrams
The diagram below depicts the DataShipper
and TamplateHandler
classes of ADBox.
Parent links: LARC-014 ADBox Shipper
16 ADBox shipping of prediction data SWD-016
Sequence diagram of ADBox shipping of prediction data
The diagram below depicts the sequence of actions orchestrated by the ADBox Engine when shipping is enabled within the prediction pipeline.
Parent links: LARC-014 ADBox Shipper
17 ADBox creation of a detector stream SWD-017
Sequence diagram of ADBox creation of a detector stream
The diagram below depicts the sequence of actions orchestrated by the ADBox Engine when shipping is enabled within the training pipeline.
Specifically, the __ship_to_wazuh_training_pipeline
method which
- creates a detector data stream amd the correspondig templates.
- and can ship the test and training data predictions.
Parent links: LARC-014 ADBox Shipper