Row data ingested from Wazuh, or any other source must be cleaned and prepared to be fed to the machine learning model.
This is automatically done by the Training pipeline and the Prediction pipeline.
Data undergo to three main kind of transformation:
The DataTypeTransformer processes raw data into a format suitable for analysis or training through machine learning algorithms. The transformation applied is done according to a predefined back-end configuration file.
The DataAggregator extracts and aggregates features from time-series data based granularity and aggregation methods specified in by the current use case. It method may be call as part of the preprocessing.
The DataPreprocessor operates all the transformations that are strictly part of the ML preprocessing, including feature extraction and possibly aggregation, as specified in by the current use case.
Below the sequence diagram of preprocessing main method.
participant p0 as Caller:ad_engine/mtad_gat/
participant p1 as DataPreprocessor.preprocess()
participant p2 as
participant p4 as
participant p5 as
participant p6 as MinMaxScaler:sklearn.preprocessing
participant p3 as data_storage_manager:manager/
participant p7 as DataRetrievalManager:manager/
activate p3
activate p7
p0 ->>+ p1: preprocess(input_data,training_request, stateful, caller)
p1 ->> p1: get feature_list
alt aggregate is True
p1 ->>+ p2: aggregate_data(input_data, input_config.get(<br>"aggregation_config"))
p2 -->>- p1: : return input_data
p1 ->> p1: Exception
alt stateful is True
p1 ->> +p3: save_input_data(input_data, True, True, caller)
deactivate p3
%% split
p1 ->>+ p4: split_data(input_data, test_split)
p4 -->>- p1: : return train_data, test_data
%%retrieve scaler
alt caller is "predict"
p1 ->> +p7: get_scaler()
p7 -->>- p1: scaler
p1 -->>p1: scaler = None
%% Normalize
p1 ->>+ p5: normalize_data(train_data,scaler=scaler)
p5 ->> p5: input_data as np.asarray (dtype=np.float32)
p5 ->> p5: apply nan_to_num
alt scaler is None
p5 ->> +p6 : instantiate scaler
p6 ->> p6: fit(train_data)
p5 ->> p6: transform(train_data)
p6 -->> p5: return train_data
p5 -->>- p1: : return train_data,train_scaler
p1 ->>+ p5: normalize_data(test_data,scaler=train_scaler)
p5 ->> p5: input_data as np.asarray (dtype=np.float32)
p5 ->> p5: apply nan_to_num
p5 ->> p6: transform(test_data)
p6 -->> -p5: return test_data
p5 -->>- p1: : return test_data,scaler
%% store scaler
alt caller is "train"
p1 ->> +p3: save_scaler(train_scaler)
deactivate p3
p1 ->>- p0 : return train_data, test_data, train_stamps, test_stamps, column_names
deactivate p3
deactivate p7