
IDPS-ESCAPE user manual

IDPS-ESCAPE is aimed at closely capturing the notion of MAPE-K (Monitor, Analyze, Plan, Execute and Knowledge) from autonomic computing applied to cybersecurity, which translates into providing a comprehensive package fulfilling the roles of a Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) system, a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), and an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS), with a central subsystem dealing with anomaly detection (AD) based on state-of-the-art advances in artificial intelligence such as the attention mechanism in machine learning (ML). We call this AD subsystem “ADBox”, which comes with out-of-the-box integration with well-known open-source solutions such as OpenSearch for search and analytics, Wazuh as our SIEM\&XDR of choice, in turn connected to MISP for enriching alerts, and to Suricata, acting both as our network-based IDPS of choice, as well as a network-level data acquisition source.

Our extensible ADBox framework and implementation also include a Multivariate Time-series Anomaly Detection (MTAD) algorithm relying on Graph Attention Networks (GAT).

Signature-based network and host IDPS and SIEM

To achieve comprehensive monitoring capabilities, we combine Suricata, an open-source Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), and Wazuh, a cybersecurity platform that integrates SIEM and XDR capabilities.

See the Instructions for IDPS and SIEM integrated deployment.


The two major missions of ADBox are to:

  1. perform core time-series anomaly detection operations via ML;
  2. manage the data flow from the indexer to the core machine learning algorithm, and back to the SIEM.

Table of contents


ADBox high level architecture